Next, I decided to give the kids a bath and about 10 minuets into the Bath Caden yells, "Mom I pooped in the bathtub." I am thinking, funny haa haa my son is 5 years old! Well lo and behold Caden pooped in the bath tub. My first thought was to yell at him but then I remembered that my son has a diet of Frosted Mini Wheat's as half his diet. Well as you all know, that is a lot of fiber. End of story. So I cleaned that up, which consists of not only getting the poop out, but also cloroxing all the toys, the bath tub ect. it was a long process.
Well I decided after this that I needed to relax with the kids and so we went in the front room and turned on the radio station. Well we were all having a great time until Tori said Damn from the song. Why it had to be this day I have no idea. She has heard her Grandpa say a a lot more choice words for a year now, but why it had to come out today was just my luck. So that was my horrible parent moment for the week.
After this, I was cleaning the kitchen and Tori comes running out of the bathroom naked and says, "Mom, HELP Me." Well I ran in there and the toilet was near overflowing. She had mistaken the Clorox wipes with the flushable wipes. So her buns are super squeaky clean and probably not feeling the best in the world. I had to dig the wipes out and then Caden runs in and tells me that he has to Pee! Are you kidding me? I told him to just go outside or something. He ran off laughing and I still don't know if he was outside peeing. He was smart enough not to come back in.
Well I wish that was the last of my bathroom experience today. My sweet Scott had to pitch in. I found him in the bathroom with the plunger in the toilet soaking wet, and that my friends is why I hate the bathroom!